Closet Teaching Ministry: Dr. Edith T. Brumskine
Helping Women Move Forward Emotionally...
Moving women from a place of hurt, confusion, grief, shame, loss, regret, resentment, or ANY NEGATIVE emotion...
to a place of peace, laughter, confidence, clarity, hope, and joy through Christian Life Coaching and a life-transforming
 Bible-based process
Your Life As A Woman Matters...
We live in a broken world, and negative things happen along the way.

You Have To Continue!

You can refuse to allow situations and events to construct the pathway of your life.

You Must Move On!
RIGHT NOW, You can change your world by making a personal decision to leave the unpleasant emotional location. 

God wants you to continue.
I am Here To Coach You and Teach You How To Leave The "Old Place" And Be Transported To A "New Location"

I can tell you THIS:
Moving Forward Is Possible ✔️
Accomplishing Your Purpose Is Possible ✔️
This is why I would love for you to enroll in The Emotional Relocation Program.

I’ll help you transition to a new place of joy and abundance, using my unique transformational Christian Life Coaching method while equipping you with Bible-based self-development strategies, designed to help you Get Up and Move Forward!
Here’s What You’ll Get 
From This Program
The Relocation Program Provides You With Everything You Need To Move On From an Undesired Emotional place
You'll Have Access To Our Proven "Relocation System" As Well As Weekly Private Coaching. 
1. Clarity
Identify your current emotional location and learn how to move on from the  past and achieve your life goal.
2. Guidance
Receive dedicated coaching to show you how to apply these biblical self -development strategies in order to achieve a new life of abundance and joy.
3. Community
Make connections and build long lasting relationships with other growth- minded women like yourself.
4.  Training
Gain lifelong skills to handle 'life events' and move forward!

All program materials, including videos, worksheets and more, are available within our online portal.

Access these resources anytime and anywhere.
Here’s What You’ll Learn In 
"The Relocation Program"
 Six sessions

All program materials including videos, worksheets and more are available within our online learning portal.
During Week 1, we will discuss 'Emotional Relocation', what it is, what it means, how this 'vehicle' runs, and why women must relocate.
We will discuss who you are, how you were created, your purpose, and why you need to change your "emotional address"- especially after a transition. 

At the end of this session, you will have a clear understanding of yourself, and how your "emotional location" affects every area of your life. 
The First Relationship
During Week 2 you’ll learn about the first relationship a woman ever had, her first meeting, and what happened afterward. 

We will discuss the first woman who relocated emotionally after she experienced the "death" of a relationship.  We will tell you how she left 'home' and what she carried with her as she traveled to a new location.   

At the end of this session, you will understand how the first woman's experience has affected your life as a woman, and what you need to do to move forward.
Love & Losses
During Week 3, you will learn how and why you love, and why you experience losses. 

We will teach and equip you on how to deal with losses, how to respond appropriately, and what you need to do to continue, after the loss or "death" of a relationship.   

You will learn how to acknowledge past events and move forward.

At the end of this session, you will know how to put every experience (especially a negative event) in its appropriate place.  
The Extraction
Before you relocate to a new emotional location, you have to remove some 'unwanted items'.

During Week 4, we will take you through a unique Bible-based procedure and teach you how to remove the negative memories from within you. 

We will discuss the first woman who experienced an emotional Extraction, and how her emotional address changed afterward.  

At the end of this session, you will know how to remove painful memories from within you.
Renaming Past Events
During Week 5, we will teach you how to rename and redefine your past events.

A name is very important; it affects your perspective and progress. 
Only two possible names could be given to every event or experience. We will walk you through the steps required to assign new positive names to your past, present, and future experiences.

At the end of this session, you will know how to effectively rename past events.
Moving Day/New Address
This is your official moving day! 

During Week 6, we will discuss preparing for your new emotional location.

We will give you the proper "clothing" needed to arrive at the new place.  

We will also give you a "road map" and a "GPS" to ensure safe travel.

At the end of this session, you will officially arrive at your new emotional location- to accomplish your God-given assignment as a woman!

Move Forward Today
Your life is more than a single Event or Experience
 God has a table set before you
You have to arrive at that new place
You have a purpose
You have an assignment
You have places to go, people to meet, service to render, and a God to represent.
Learn How To Move Forward Emotionally
You’ll Have Support Every 
Step Of The Way In This 
Upon enrollment, you’ll have 24/7 Guidance and Support.

You'll receive access to our weekly Q/A calls, and more!

Dr. Edith T. Brumskine
Bible Teacher/Speaker
Certified Christian Life Coach

Hello, I'm Edith!

I am a Bible Teacher and Christian Life Coach.
I help women regroup, discover their purpose, and move forward emotionally, using my unique Christian Life Coaching method, and Bible-based self-development classes.

I am passionate about Christian Education, and I've seen many people experience total transformation by appropriately applying scriptural principles. 

My personal goal is to help women reinvent themselves and move forward to fulfill their life purpose.

I am a successful Bible teacher with more than twenty years of experience.

As a Bible Teacher and Christian Life Coach, God has used me to help many women leave the place of anger, despair, disappointment, hurt, shame, confusion, etc. I am uniquely qualified and excited to help you as you move forward.
"I found the entire program material to be extremely impactful. The program introduced me to biblical facts and mindset that benefited me tremendously. I can confidently say that I've moved on."
Joy G.
Charlotte, North Carolina
" The Relocation Program was truly a blessing for me.  The Program has helped me to move forward in my life after the breakup of my marriage.  The sessions helped me to re-identify who I am and whose I am.  It guided me to developing a personal relationship with God and how this is beneficial to my finding what God's purpose is for me.  Edith and I connected during our first conversation.  Through her coaching I realized my value, my worth, and regained my dignity.  I recommend the Relocation Program to any woman who has lost herself and needs re-direction.  Thank you Closet Ministries"

Roselyn V
Baton rouge, Louisiana

"I am excited about the Relocation program, It's the Bible study class that I longed for. The program takes you back in time to visit with women of the Bible yet brings you back to the present day.  The visuals in this program allow you to gain perspective of who you really are as a woman with briefing of historic women of the Bible.  This program is a biblical reference point that I can always review.

C. Walker
Durham, North Carolina

"I was lost, confused, and misguided. I knew that was not from God. I read Edith's book, "Six Remarkable Women" and my spirit within longed for something I could not find in the world. When I began the Relocation Course, I did not set expectations but I never imagined I would be relocated to paradise. I felt the Lord take me out of the pit and moved me into paradise. Edith prayerfully, lovingly, and patiently spent time leading me to the Fountain Of Life, Jesus Himself. Every word she spoke was rooted in Scripture. She humbly and graciously reminded me of God working in her to reach my heart. I was no longer lost, wandering in the wilderness. There was no more confusion because God's Word flooded my mind with Truth. Because of Edith's support and prayers, I have moved into my new residence of peace and rest, where joy and love fill the air. I am grateful, eternally grateful for all Edith does to use what the Lord gifted her with."

Carol G
Springfield, Virginia

Large Call to Action Headline

Your Questions Answered:
 Is It Worth It?
Absolutely! But here's why:
I've studied and tried this method for many years, and I can assure you that it produces permanent results.  The sessions are uniquely organize to rearrange your emotions and take you to a new location. 
We know exactly how to speak to your heart and awaken the desire within you to want more and move forward! 
 How Do I Know That I Need To "Relocate"?
Experiencing any form of unpleasant emotion is an indication that you need to "relocate."  A negative emotion is like a road block, it prevents you from moving forward.
 What Do I Get When I Join The Program?
✔️ Permanent access to all our program content.

✔️ Articles and Resources to help you along your "Relocation" journey.
 Will This Work For My Life?
Yes. The tools provided in this program are proven to work in one's life regardless of individual differences. 

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